Sunday, December 11, 2011

Training Recap: Dec. 4-10

Back in full swing! It feels like an eternity since I posted a new blog. Partially because I have been getting back into full training mode, but now I will start posting on a more weekly basis to show a consistent training build-up.

I was not sure how fast I would try to come back after JFK 50 for a couple of reasons: First, as a novice ultrarunner, I had asked quite a bit from my body by doing three ultras in nine weeks. Second, I am still working out a concrete 2012 race schedule, and unlike the past two months, I won't have to rush back to peak training. Nevertheless, high mileage and hill workouts have found their way back into my weekly routine. For the most part my legs have felt really good. I did notice more fatigue than usual on Saturday during a 28-miler at Lapham Peak. The relative difficulty didn't concern me for a few reasons: It was the furthest run since JFK 50, I logged some pretty tough hill workouts during the week, and I made a point of attacking the more technical parts of Lapham Peak and Ice Age.

One change I have made for my upcoming training plan is hydration. I used to, for the most part, neglect “on-the-run hydration,” primarily out of lack of motivation to plan ahead. However, I have noticed a spike in the quality of the final few miles—and my desire to go a little further—since I started focusing on staying hydrated. Personally, I like FuelBelt's product line for hydration purposes because its carrying mechanisms do not intrude on my running stride and their bottles don't leak while drinking on the run.

Below is a closer look at what my training week looked like.

Sunday20 miles
- 25x City Park Hill
- 3x City Park Loop (rolling hills)
- 25x City Park Hill
- 3x City Park Loop (rolling hills)
MondayAM: 10 miles
PM: 13 miles
TuesdayAM: 10 miles
PM: 10 miles
WednesdayAM: 10 miles
PM: 13 miles
ThursdayAM: 17 miles
- 25x City Park Hill
- 3x City Park Loop (rolling hills)
- 25x City Park Hill
- 3x City Park Loop (rolling hills)
PM: 9 miles
FridayAM: 10 miles
PM: 10 miles
Saturday28 miles
- Hill work at Lapham Peak and Ice Age
Weekly Total160 miles

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