Saturday, March 24, 2012

Training Recap: March 18-24

Well, this was a laid back week for running. It was interesting to see how my body reacted to running 189.5 miles last week. After Promise To Keep 135, my leg muscles were not all that sore, but I did sleep 13 hours the night after, which I'm sure my body needed. The biggest ailment I suffered was likely from the gravel slope I ran on for the majority of PTK 135. When I woke up Monday morning my right ankle was swollen like a balloon. I knew I had to get rid of the inflammation out of my foot before I could attempt any type of running, so I gave my body time to work out the inflammation. I took Yucca Root from NOW Foods to help with the inflammation. The stuff is cheap and has higher anti-inflammatory properties than ibuprofen without masking the pain. This allows me to feel the pain of an injury so I can avoid pounding out miles on an injury that just is going to get worse.

By mid-week my ankle and body were feeling really fresh, so I got back to running. I ended the week with 52 miles in three days. With Mad City 50k coming up on Saturday (March 31) I am interested to see how the short layoff will affect me. Personally, I think it might help. I have a pretty big training base, and when I cycle my miles I typically feel best the week after a down week. I am hoping this will be the case for Mad City. I am approaching this 50k as a training run, so I don't plan to taper much more then a couple of days leading into the race. It will be interesting to see how I feel from the extra rest last week.

My final run of the week was a 22-miler on the Ice Age Trail, Point Beach segment. I really love when I get the chance to let loose on the winding single track the Ice Age Trail System offers. Ice Age Trail stretches all over Wisconsin, from Door County, down to Milwaukee, up the center of the state, and eventually across to the northwest portion of Wisconsin. I love running on different spots along Ice Age because it shows off the different landscapes that Wisconsin has to offer.

Please see below for a detailed look at my week of running.

Thursday10.5 mile easy run
FridayAM: 10 mile easy run
PM: 10 mile easy run
Saturday22 mile long run
Total52.5 miles

March 2012 Running


  1. How do you take Yucca Root? I've got some shin inflammation and would like to give it a try.

  2. Related Article:

  3. Hi Marshall! I take it through a capsule. I get it from NOW Foods. They make a good quality version of Yucca Root, for pretty cheap. You can get a bottle for about $8 and it will last you a few months even if taken daily. I find it useful for limiting inflammation both in the gut and extremities that result from the day to day grind.

    NOW Foods:
