Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Extreme Endurance

Hey folks! A few weeks back I started downloading podcasts from Pace Per Mile and Endurance Planet. I thought to myself, why not tune in to some great informational and motivational stories while churning out miles? Like with everything nowadays, there were a few advertisements speckled throughout the episodes.

One of the ads caught my attention by the way it was worded: Extreme Endurance was selling a product that claimed a 15 percent reduction in lactic acid and an increase in aerobic threshold. Then they explained how they came up with this number: by conducting a third-party, double-blind test. A what? Simply put, this means they had their product tested by a outside source who had no knowledge of who they were, thus eliminating any chance of accusations that they "cherry picked" a favorable testing agency. This all caught my ear because, as a social studies and history major while in college, I did a lot of back-checking and source-checking. When I hear claims like this, I automatically go into research mode.

After reviewing the results and methods of the test, I was quite interested in trying out this product. I contacted Iron at Extreme Endurance, told him a bit about myself and my training, and asked if he would be open to sending me some samples to review for my blog. Iron was very accommodating with my request, and he's sending me some product to review. I have to say I have pretty big expectations from the product after reviewing the science behind it.

If I have made you curious, check out the site and tune in for future posts outlining how I react to the product.

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