Sunday, February 24, 2013

Training Recap: Feb. 17-23

Now that training for Mad City 100k is in full swing, I wanted to share some of the intensity workouts that I have done this week. Although Mother Nature did throw some curveballs, I was able to get pretty reasonable weather on the days I needed some traction (wish I could say I planned it that way). My mileage this week crept up to 130 miles, including two intensity sessions. I was really happy with my recovery from the two intensity sessions, and I feel my body is beginning to re-acclimate to higher training loads.

The two intensity workouts I did were hybrids. I did not necessarily pick a specific type of workout, instead borrowing elements from specific workouts, splicing them together. I like doing these hybrid workouts in training for ultramarathons because I believe they do a good job of tapping a wider range of systems. In an ultra race, it is likely that by the time you reach the finish line, multiple systems will have been tapped. I liken it to gears on a bike: Hybrid workouts engage multiple gears, rather than just focusing on one.

The first intensity session I did, on Sunday, was a 20.5-mile run that included: a long warm-up, a five-mile tempo run, a bout of sprints, and a short cool-down. I structured the workout this way so the sprints near the end of the run would feel like they required extra effort, similar to what putting in a surge at the end of an ultra race would feel like. The workout specifics were as follows:
  • 10 mile warm-up (7 min./mi.)
  • 5 mile tempo (5:45, 5:42, 5:40, 5:42, 5:45)
  • 1 mile recovery jog
  • 15 x (20 sec all out, 40 sec jog)
  • 2 mile cool-down

The second intensity session I did, on Wednesday, was a 16.25-mile run, again with multiple components. The goal here was to start fast and end with a pace similar to my goal 100k pace for Mad City. My hopes are that the 3 miles at 6:20/mile will emulate how it will feel to go that pace during the latter stages of Mad City. The workout specifics were as follows:
  • 3 mile warm up
  • 6 x 400 meters with ½ mile recovery jog (75 sec. on reps 1,2,3,5 (into wind), 70 sec. rep 4)
  • 1 mile recovery jog
  • 2 x 1 mile with 1 mile recovery jog (5:27 mile, 5:25 mile)
  • 1 mile recovery jog
  • 3 miles (6:18, 6:17, 6:19)
  • 2.25 mile cool-down

The following is a day-by-day breakdown of my training this week.

Sunday20.5 miles (Intensity Session 1)
MondayAM: 9.5 miles
PM: 8.75 miles
Tuesday10 miles
WednesdayAM: 16.25 mi (Intensity Session 2)
PM: 5.5 miles
ThursdayAM: 8.17 miles
PM: 6 miles
FridayAM: 10 miles
PM: 10.5 miles
SaturdayAM: 18 miles
PM: 7 miles
Total130.17 miles


  1. Zach,
    Great to see that your training is well underway and you are progressing well. I was wondering how do you stay injury free with all those miles you put in?

    1. I do quite a bit of cross training. I think that helps keep everything in balance. I do stretch but very little. I'm strategic about it. Becoming over flexible is welcoming injuries as well. Foam rolling and using "the stick" likely helps. I'm habitual about omega3, glucosamine chondriton to keep everything smooth. I get minor aches and pains that I run through. Usually I'm really proactive and attack something before it really flares up. For example; I've had a bit of planter fasc. in my left foot the last few weeks but I've been able to keep it at bay with rolling, massaging, and yucca root. Some of it I suppose is I've just been blessed to not get injured easily.

  2. 130 mile week...nice Zach. Just another day at the office!
